Protecting Creative Assets

If it’s valuable to you, own it.

Don’t lose it. ValueDate it!

Valuedating your creative assets gives you the power and right to get them back if they are stolen.
And this does not have to cost a fortune.

Creative asset thefts come in different forms and shapes.
Imagine the shock when while surfing online, you accidentally come across something that looks familiar. You double-check. Yes, you know for sure it’s your intellectual work. A text, a script, a drawing, a poem ….. something you created.
Of course, you know you made it, but now, out there it is. Someone else is passing it off as being their work. And unless you have valuedated it in your name, how do you prove it is your brainwork? Sadly, this happens all the time. Don’t wait till it happens to you.

Some feedbacks

"I was rather sceptical about valuedating my work. As an amateur poet hoping to publish a poetry book one day, I've shared some of my work on some social media platforms. I now realise the risk of asset theft. Valuedating gives me the confidence that I really need. "
Pelumi da Costa
Poet & Aspiring author
"Amazing! For less than 2 US$ , I valuedated the crucial and essential descriptive of my latest screenplay. I once had a bad experience of having my creative work stolen. That will never happen to me again. The beauty of ValueDated is not just in the little cost, but in the simplicity of it."
Hakeem Ahmed
"I wish I knew about this service earlier. I was so desperate to get some form of authentication of ownership of my own work that I started posting them to myself in sealed and dated envelopes. Thank you ValueDated. You'll never know how much this means to me."
Kim Timworthy
Creative writer

What we do

ValueDated.Com provides value-dating validation services to rightful owners of intellectual assets whose  titles to such assets are potential targets of infringements.

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