Report Infringement
How to report infringement
In the event of your creative asset(s) being violated, a report must be made to us as soon as possible. The form below is designed for this purpose. On pressing the Send Report button below, the message will be submitted to our system for review. A receipt notification will act as a confirmation that the complaint has been received.
Please provide as much information as possible in order to enable us treat your report without needing to come back to you for additional information. At the minimum, all the items marked with stars must be supplied.
How we support you
Upon receiving your infringement report, we will, with your consent, contact the offending party to issue a cease and desist notice. We will demand that they immediately cease the use and distribution of all infringing works derived from your creative asset, and all copies, including electronic copies wherever and however they might exist.
We will provide you with certified copies of your valuedated asset as contained in our system together with any other documentation you might need in case of litigation.
In case of litigation, for a supplementary fee, we will offer you the appropriate legal assistance. Such fees will depend on the nature of the creative asset(s) as well as the jurisdiction of the litigation.
Infringement report form
What we do
ValueDated.Com provides value-dating validation services to rightful owners of intellectual assets whose titles to such assets are potential targets of infringements.